Order Medical Records Order Medical Records Order Medical Records

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Why It’s Important to Get Medical Records Ahead of Time

Why It’s Important to Get Medical Records Ahead of TimeThink about this scenario: your mom is coming to live with you for the summer, so you arrange for her to see a primary-care physician while she’s in town. She’s eighty-five so she has some age-related conditions that she needs to be on medication for, and she is allergic to a few medications. You try to track down all of her medical records from previous physicians, but it takes so long that you’re not able to get it all before she arrives. All the missed calls, unanswered emails, and other paperwork hoops you were diligently jumping through before her arrival weren’t enough to get it done. You have two small children who need your attention pretty much 24/7 but of course you want to be a good daughter and take care of your mom’s needs, too. So much stress!

Time to Go See the New Doctor

But then your mom arrives and you’re enjoying having her there so much that you completely forget about the medical records until the day she’s scheduled to see the physician. “Oh no,” you say as you slap your forehead, “I never did receive those. Oh well, she’ll probably remember to tell the doctor all the important stuff.” She goes into the doctor’s office and comes out a bit later with a prescription for a new medication. “What’s this?” you say. “Some medication the doctor said I had to take,” she replies. But you look at the medication’s ingredients and realize that she’s allergic to one of them. You walk over to the reception desk and ask if you can talk to the doctor for a minute, but the receptionist says he just left on his lunch break. “There’s another appointment slot available in two weeks, if you’d like to come back,” she says without sympathy. Ugh!

Bypass the Stress, Use Order Medical Records

This situation could’ve easily been avoided. How? By using Order Medical Records. Over 2 million medical records have been secured since 1993 using our fast, easy, secure service. Just click “Order Now” at the top right of this page to get started. You’ll save yourself so much time and frustration, and be freed up to do other important tasks. Plus you won’t have to deal with urgent situations like the one above. You’ll have all the medical information you and your loved ones need on-hand so you can avoid all the paperwork and scheduling hassles. Call us at 714 559-3071 or email sales@datafied.com if you have any questions, or just jump in!

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