For the past 20 years we have been partnering with individuals and businesses to secure their medical record history. ORDERMEDICALRECORDS.COM is here to work for you and with you. We offer many different solutions depending on your current situation and/or field. We look forward to partnering with you.
So you’re either a medical facility or seeking help
with a health plan. Let’s Review.
OMR becomes your full service release of information business associate and we will process all of your valid requests for medical records. Our service is free and we will work with you to accommodate your procedures that you may already have in place. In essence, we will become your contracted medical records employee(s).
- OMR will process only the requests for records that you do not want to or can’t handle yourself. A chart that is too large, patient that is hard to deal with, too many requests to process, etc. can all be directed directly to our OMR web site for processing. In essence, we become your partner that processes those time consuming requests.
- OMR can become your custodian of records for any retiring physicians. We take custody of all records and ensure all valid requests for records are handled appropriately. Our sister company has more detailed information regarding this.
- OMR’s audit relief services will help medical facilities like yours deal with the ever increasing amount of chart audits that you are being asked/demanded to comply with. We are the experts and in many cases already have an established relationship with the requesting firms, so again save time and money by outsourcing these audits to OMR. In essence, we ensure that your facility is HIPAA compliant.
- Allow OMR to help out on all of your medical request projects. Whether it’s HEDIS, HCC, RAC, RADV, Self-Audits, etc. OMR has the experience to ensure you get the data. Let’s face it, if you don’t have the data you can’t do the audits. Our success rates are over 99% and we have the proven track record to ensure that you will receive the most accurate information in a manner in that allows you and your staff to perform the required analyzation.
So you’re an individual. Here are some important things to consider.
Under the Health Information Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), you have the right to a copy of your medical records and to copies of records belonging to individuals for whom you serve as a guardian. OMR helps you exercise this right and secure copies of records that are vital for ensuring timely and effective medical care.
- No matter where your medical records are, OMR can help. We can secure records from Kaiser, VA facilities, and the military, as well as from private practice doctors, hospitals, and care facilities worldwide. Our translation services ensure that the medical records will be ready for your current doctor(s) to review and utilize in providing care.
- You can choose to receive a paper copy of your medical records, a digital copy, or both. If your doctor has not already digitized your medical records, OMR can send a certified field agent to the doctor’s office to complete this task. We follow strict quality control measures when scanning paper records and the privacy and security of your medical data will be assured.
- Most health care providers lack an efficient means of communicating with one another about patient care. That’s why whenever you visit a new doctor you have to fill out that same old medical history form all over again, and whenever one doctor prescribes a new medication you have to tell all the others yourself. You can facilitate communication between all of your doctors and specialists by ordering a copy of your medical record and hand delivering it to each new physician or facility. Or, you can have OMR handle delivery for you.
- Changing doctors and/or insurance companies is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s healthcare environment. Let OMR do the work of collecting all your records and delivering them back to you or to your new doctor or insurance company.
- Ordering medical records from OMR will equip you with the information you need to create a Personal Health Record. Maintaining a Personal Health Record helps ensure that all your doctors have the information they need about your medical history to make informed treatment decisions. A Personal Health Record should include:
- Contact information for your health care providers
- Insurance ID and policy number
- Emergency contact numbers
- A list of all medications and supplements you are taking
- A description of any allergies
- A list of recent surgeries and hospitalizations
- OMR helps individuals order medical records on behalf of their aging parents. As the baby boomers move into a healthcare world that is becoming more and more difficult to navigate, it will be extremely helpful to have their complete medical records on hand.
- OMR also assists parents and guardians in obtaining children’s immunization records, as well as other types of important medical data that may be required for your children’s endeavors.
- Many medical offices are shredding your old paper based records daily. Yes, this practice is legal and in the end YOUR medical data is being lost forever! However, if you act now and place your order for medical records through OMR today, you can secure copies of your records before they are destroyed.
- OMR can even help you obtain outside professional reviews to ensure that you have the most complete and accurate set of medical records available as technology helps you recover and live to your fullest potential.
So you’re an attorney, an agent, or maybe a
corporation. Well here’s what you need to know.
Attorneys/Insurance Agents
We collect medical records worldwide every day, securely, timely, and with full transparency. We will return the records to whomever you request and in whatever format best meets your needs.
- All disability attorneys, contingency based cases, Social Security cases, etc. that won’t/can’t/prefer to not handle medical record requests directly can partner with OMR to help ensure you obtain the necessary medical records to do your due diligence. We can even offer discounts to your clients.
- APS (Attending Physician Statement) retrieval is easy and straightforward. We will work with all custodians of records and gate keepers’ representatives to help ensure you get your data fast and securely.
- We have a nationwide network of field agents who can assist in on-site scanning services ranging from one medical chart to boxes and filing cabinets of paper documents.
If you have any reason for medical records to be retrieved on your behalf, we are interested in partnering with you.
- PHR companies looking for a record retrieval partner. We are here and willing to look at different branding opportunities. This is our core competency, how can we help?
- Self-funded health-care providers can ensure they have the most complete and up to date medical information on all of their employees by allowing us to assist in retrieving their employees’ past medical history.
- If you’re a current medical record retrieval company and/or an in-house release of information service and looking to expand and/or partner with an industry leader, OMR can help.
- OMR is willing to partner with any organization doing pharmaceutical case studies. Allow us to do our part in retrieving the data so you can concentrate on the important findings aspect.
So you’re a military service member, ex-patriot, or next of kin. Here’s what you need to know.
It’s vital to have a full and complete copy of your medical records, including both civilian and military medical records. OMR can secure both types of records from any medical office or facility, including VA hospitals.
- We obtain medical records worldwide, and our translation services ensure that your records are ready for interpretation by your current physician.
- More and more medical offices are shredding old, paper-based documents, meaning that if you don’t act now your medical records—or those of a loved one—could be lost forever. OMR can not only retrieve paper records before they’re shredded but also digitize these records for you.
- Typically, when requesting a copy of records through the military, you will receive a paper copy. When you use OMR to request your military medical records, you have the option of having our expert staff digitize these records for you.
- OMR makes it easy to transfer your full and complete medical records from one physician or facility to another. We work quickly and make sure your new physician receives your current records as soon as possible so they can provide timely and effective care.
- There’s a lot to think about when caring for aging parents. If one of your parents was a military service member, you can trust OMR to retrieve their medical records for you so you can focus on other responsibilities.
- OMR can also assist with the retrieval of DD214 forms, which are the official certificates of release from active duty that may be required to qualify for important benefits like VA disability, VA home loans, GI Bill tuition, government employment priority, and a military funeral/burial.
- A fire at the National Personnel Records Center in 1973 destroyed 16 to 18 million records belonging to Army and Air Force veterans who were discharged between 1912 and 1964. Records from this period must be reconstructed from other sources which can take weeks. This is perfect example of why you need to start the process of ordering your military medical records through OMR today and keep your own digital copy of your records on hand.