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Are Medical Record Copies Expensive in Key West FL?

Are Medical Record Copies Expensive in Key West FL?

It’s exciting for Floridians when they find out that they can legally order copies of their own medical records. For them, this means they can stay informed about their medical past, be reminded of past medications they’ve been prescribed and how long it has been since they’ve gotten certain vaccinations, and review previous suggestions they’ve received from their doctor regarding improving and upkeeping their health.

But one question we often get asked is, “Is it expensive to order my own medical records?” This is an understanding concern. Nobody wants to pay an arm and a leg for their own medical history, no matter how beneficial it would be to have a copy of their records.

Ordering Digital or Paper Copies of Your Records will Cost You – But Not Much.

The unfortunate news is, obtaining a physical or digital replica of your medical records is not free. The good news, though, is that they don’t cost much.

Here at Order Medical Records, we charge just $34.99 for a digital download of your records, $49.99 for CD delivery and online download, and $54.99 for paper delivery and online download. These are our base prices. Additional fees will be charged for charts containing over 200 pages. We also offer rush delivery or overnight mail if you would like to receive your records sooner for an additional fee.

With fair costs to achieve a copy of your own medical records, and with how beneficial it can be to have them on hand, it’s never a wrong time to request your copy. But the sooner you have them ordered, the better. Your records will provide you with the information both you and your physicians need to best keep you healthy.

Request a Copy of Your Medical Records in Florida Online.

Our online form to request a copy of your records is incredibly easy to fill out and only takes about three minutes to complete. After you fill out the form, we’ll do the rest of the work. Allow us to contact your provider’s facility, scan your records, perform a quality control check of your records, and then ship off and/or grant you online access to your records.

Anytime you’re ready to order your medical records in Florida, just visit our website. You can submit your request any day of the week at the time of your convenience.

If you have any inquiries regarding ordering your medical records, please contact us today by calling 714 559-3071. We’re more than happy to speak with you!

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