Order Medical Records Order Medical Records Order Medical Records

Questions? Call us 714 559-3071

Request Medical Records in Elkhart IN

We make it easy to request medical records in Elkhart IN when you need them

 Request Medical Records in Elkhart IN OrderMedicalRecords.com is an expert in the field of medical records storage and transfer. We handle all requests from qualified individuals, medical facilities, insurance agents, attorneys, etc. in professional and private manner. You can trust us to fulfill your request for medical records Elkhart IN quickly and help you out in a variety of different situations. For instance, you can contact us to:

  • Get records to a new care provider
  • Ensure up to date record sharing between primary care doctors and specialists
  • Obtain military medical records
  • Order records for audits and reports
  • Secure old paper records for digitizing
  • Get evidence for a disability, personal injury, or other legal case
  • Acquire attending physician statements
  • Get employees’ medical records for evaluation
  • Retrieve data for a pharmaceutical study

We Help Patients Request Medical Records in Elkhart IN

You can request medical records in Elkhart IN using our secure online portal or by calling us on the phone. We will then send authorization to your doctor to initiate the process. If necessary, we’ll send a certified field agent out to your doctor’s office to scan paper files so you can receive a digital copy. We check all the records for clarity and legibility before passing them on to you or your authorized entity in paper or digital format.

Services for Healthcare Providers

In addition to helping individual patients secure the information needed to ensure timely care, OrderMedicalRecords.com also provides a variety of services for doctors, hospitals, and medical groups. We can become your full service release of information partner, handling all records requests for you, or you can have patients request medical records in Elkhart IN only during times when your own staff is too busy. In either case, the service is provided at no cost to you. With OrderMedicalRecords.com on the job, you can rest assured that your patients’ privacy will always be respected and all HIPAA requirements will be met.

Contact Us

Phone: 714 559-3071

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