Order Medical Records Order Medical Records Order Medical Records

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Request Medical Records in Columbus IN

We make it easy to request medical records in Columbus IN when you need them

Request Medical Records in Columbus IN OrderMedicalRecords.com is an expert in the field of medical records storage and transfer. Our clients include individuals, medical facilities, attorneys, insurance agents, and other qualified professionals. The decision to request medical records in Columbus IN can be inspired by many possible scenarios, such as the need to:

  • Get records to a new care provider
  • Facilitate timely records transfer between specialists and GPs
  • Obtain military medical records
  • Request records for use in HEDIS & HCC audits and reporting
  • Obtain old records at risk of being destroyed
  • Compile records as evidence for a legal case
  • Acquire attending physician statements
  • Get employees’ medical records for evaluation
  • Order a data set for scientific research

We Help Patients Request Medical Records in Columbus IN

You can request medical records in Columbus IN using our secure online portal or by calling us on the phone. We will then send authorization to your doctor to initiate the process. If necessary, we’ll send a certified field agent out to your doctor’s office to scan paper files so you can receive a digital copy. Every scan is checked by our quality control team to make sure it is clear and legible before we release a digital or paper copy to you or to the authorized entity of your choice.

Services for Healthcare Providers

OrderMedicalRecords.com enables doctors and medical facilities to outsource their records release activities at no out of pocket cost. Your patients will thank you for referring them to our convenient website, where they can request medical records in Columbus IN 24/7, and you’ll be happy to have your staff freed up for other activities. We also offer affordable assistance with other activities such as digitizing and storage of old paper files if you choose to hire us as your official records custodian. All of our activities are conducted to the highest standards of professionalism including all HIPAA requirements.

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Phone: 714 559-3071

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